What are you reading now?

It is actually hard to keep track. My hope is to share authors and books that I enjoy with the rest of you and embarrass myself enough with the semi-public disclosure of my reading habits that I will no longer read absolute trash.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've had a hard time getting through anything really good lately. Lavar and I have been using the elliptical and it is rather difficult to read anything that takes a good deal of concentration while bouncing up and down. Though it makes the half hour go much faster, it has also limited my reviews as I can't say I've finished anything memorable the last two weeks.

I'm still trudging through the Anne Lamott book, which is good and well written but not exactly something I stay up late at night finishing. Also, on my back burner is A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick, who also wrote the memoir The End of the World as We Know It. I was hot on this book until it got uncomfortable (in a good way), but now I can only do a chapter at a time. I promise to finish it this weekend.

I did get my mother hooked on the Sookie Stackhouse series recently by sending the first eight in the series to her home. I hope it rids her of her unfortunate Twilight obsession.. ek gods. Well, see how it goes. Maybe Harper Connelly next.

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